Andy Prow and Kirk Jackson presented at Microsoft TechEd NZ. The first talk was titled: Hack-Ed - From the Trenches
We all know that we need to make sure our apps are secure. We all hear about hacks in the news, whether privacy breaches, denial-of-service attacks or credit card fraud. But often those stories are a little detached from the day-to-day development that we do. This session will uncover some stories from the trenches to try and highlight the real attacks that go on in the real world, and why none of our systems are immune. It will also uncover some very real mistakes we see people making in the wild!
Download the over-sized PDF: 2012-SIA201-FromTheTrenches-AndyProw-KirkJackson.pdf (20.5mb)
Imperva have a nice writeup of different DoS tools in this PDF report: