Thursday, September 6, 2012

TechEd 2012 - Hack-Ed: Design for Attack

Andy Prow and Kirk Jackson presented at Microsoft TechEd NZ. The second talk was titled: Hack-Ed - Design for Attack
Whether mobile, web, Windows client or server app; whether banking software or social app; whether internal corporate users only or open to all on the internet; your apps will be attacked. So, how do you design and architect the applications from the ground up to stop attacks, log and monitor attacks, and alert those who need to know? This session will ensure you're correctly considering all components so you can confidently know if you've been compromised, when, by whom, and what they did.
Download the PDF: 2012-ARC401-DesignForAttack-AndyProw-KirkJackson.pdf (18.7mb)

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